Hana in Korean means one and Grace is the name of my only sister who meant the world to me. I lost her in 2016. My one and only sister. Hence, Hana Grace. Everything I strived for, was to make her proud. Everything I strive for now, is in her honor.

Nurse, photographer, purveyor of repurposed and discounted goods, wanderlust, perpetual nomad, grammar nerd, lover of books, language, culture, tabasco, the beach, wine, and all things black cherry.

Wasted time regretted, so life reinvented.

How it began…

I started photography as a way to channel my energy into positivity. My main passion is nursing. Becoming a photographer was a byproduct of the unfathomable grief and sorrow I desperately needed to claw out of. The intent was to keep from drowning and more importantly, to be present in mind, body and consciousness for her children whom I love like my own. The end result became what it is now; ever evolving, always improving, insatiably learning and profoundly life changing in the way I overcame how I saw the world with such resignation to something beautiful, moving, raw, authentic, loving, joyful or even heartbreaking through my lens, and draw from it the strength to face another day one photo at a time.